Thursday, April 22, 2010

Deepak Chopra Interview; San Jose Film Festival; March 2, 2010

“Each of us has a gift, a special purpose that we alone can give to the world.
This is our individual dharma. We are meant to discover and share this unique gift. When we do so, we have achieved our true purpose.”
-Deepak Chopra, M.D.

On March 2, 2010 Deepak Chopra was interviewed at the Cinequest Film Festival in down town San Jose at the California theater. I attended this event with my friend, Heather Durham of Silicon Valley: Art, Green, and Sustainability. She filmed the interview for her local television show;

Deepak Chopra is a unique genius of deep spiritual understanding who shares profound concepts. On March 2, 2010 he did just that. During an interview at the California theater in San Jose he spoke of these deep spiritual ideas that I found healing, insightful and transformational. I touch upon the many ideas he spoke of that night.

What is consciousness?
Consciousness is everything we call reality; it is either subjective or objective by the observer. We as individuals or groups are the ones who attach meaning. Our own consciousness and that of the collective consciousness is beyond space and time, always in harmony, has infinite possibilities of creativity, it can not be programmed into a computer, and is totally unpredictable. He speaks of four states of consciousness;

1. deep sleep state (beyond space and time)
2. dream state (imagination)
3. waking state (consciousness)
4. soul conscious state (intuition, creativity, imagination)

Cosmic consciousness; your spirit is able to watch your body,
Divine consciousness; you are one with your creator,
Unity consciousness; you are that consciousness itself.
Through meditation practice you are able to experience the above states of consciousness.
“You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop.”

What is the difference between the brain and the mind? The brain is an expression of your mind, which is organic. The mind is an expression of your consciousness, which is beyond space and time.

He spoke of art as being an expression of spirit from within; an expression of our soul with infinite possibilities. A true artist has a free imagination; speaks to the collective soul, has a vision to inspire, is magical and extraordinary. The challenges and setbacks of the artist comes from critics and society. He suggests; “Observe yourself without judging yourself” while speaking to the collective soul. “I do not believe that the opposite of fear is love; the opposite of fear is courage.” He continued; many artists have addiction issues; this is a spiritual experience. It is a journey of realizing the soul. The only cure for addiction is a spiritual treatment, not a psychological treatment. Deepak spoke of his past addictions; drama, adrenaline, and cigarettes.

What is success? Success brings you joy. Success is love and compassion. Success is when you are in in touch with your essence; your soul.

He says, "you are experiences by choice which comes from karma (actions), memory, imagination and desire. The ego is the self-image (externals) not your spirit-self. The ego, (Edging God Out) is always looking for approval; views the self- image as better than or worse than and is in fear. A healthy balance of the self-image (ego) and spirit (self) is to watch without being critical of ego." He suggests, " observe th ego by becoming the silent witness which is detached."

Mythology/Organized religion relationship
Mythology is the infinite religion, a spiritual experience, a higher state of consciousness. Organized religion does not have this. People do not experience higher consciousness; it is put on another, the leader. Organized religion loses sight of the true religious experience which is kindness, joy, peace, and love. I quote, “If something is real, you do not have to believe in it.”

Healing the collective soul to compassion will lessen natural disasters. Disasters evokes compassion; “I am not separate from you.” He suggests; mediate for peace; have peacefulness be at the core of your beingness while expressing love in action. The result will be emotional healing, and spiritual healing that will enhance your awareness.

What is the creative process? The creative process has many stages. First you must have a vision, then look at the vast, and then gather information which is a mental activity, then have an incubation period (letting go, detachment, step out of it), allowing a creative burst. Creativity is unpredictable.

“When we can accept all of life’s contradictions, when we can comfortably flow between the banks of pleasure and pain, experiencing them both while getting stuck in neither, then we are free.”
- Deepak Chopra, M.D.

If you hunger for deep spiritual understanding look to Deepak Chopra to guide you on a journey of expanding perspective that brings blissful creative ecstasy, fulfillment of joy, healing and transformation.

Remember who you are, remember that you can align yourself with the collective consciousness for all answers, creativity and infinite possibility.

I invite you to go to youtube and watch a video of Heather Durham interviewing Deepak Chopra.

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